Monday, 28 September 2020

Charles de Salis replied to the South Somerset Freedom of Information (FOI) Team:

Charles de Salis replied to the South Somerset Freedom of Information (FOI) Team:

Dear FOI Team,

I write to thank you for your answer to my e-mail.

I note that it does not address many of the questions raised on behalf of the village and answers others somewhat inadequately by your own admission.

I will be in contact with you again when the village has appointed a Solicitor to act on its behalf in this matter of fundamental importance to its future.

Yours sincerely

Charles de Salis

Wednesday, 23 September 2020

South Somerset FOI Team replied to Adam Chichester-Clark

South Somerset FOI Team replied to Adam Chichester-Clark:

Dear Mr Chichester-Clark

I acknowledge receipt of your Freedom of Information request received on 17 August 2020. You will receive a response direct within the statutory timescale. Please be aware that there may be delays in answering your request due to our staff being diverted to delivery of front line services.

Apologies for the delay,
FOI Team

Monday, 21 September 2020

South Somerset FOI Team replied to Charles de Salis

South Somerset FOI Team replied to Charles de Salis

Dear Mr de Salis,

Please find below the response to your Freedom of information request received on 19/08/2020.

We have struggled to find the information to respond to this FOI because so many officers who would have held the information have left the authority. Therefore some of the information has been provided by Councillors who cannot recall exact dates. My apologies for this.

In relation to your declaration query, we understand that the planning applications were determined prior to the visits. The visits were to see the results of the applications. In most cases SSDC paid for the visits, so there is no need to make declaration. In the case of the Fire Night, if hospitality is less than £25 there is no need to declare.

Kind regards
FOI Team

Friday, 18 September 2020

Adam Chichester-Clark's second letter to South Somerset Freedom of Information (FOI) Team

Adam Chichester-Clark's second letter to South Somerset Freedom of Information (FOI) Team:

Dear Sir/Madam,

I refer my email below and Freedom of Information Application attached thereto. Regrettably, I have not received the documents requested within the relevant statutory period (i.e. by 14 September 2020) or even the courtesy of an acknowledgment.
I suspect that the delay may be due to the impact of the pandemic and, if so, I am sympathetic. However, in the circumstances, I would be very grateful if you would now acknowledge receipt of my application and let me know what date you intend to supply me with the documents I have requested.

Yours faithfully
Adam Chichester-Clark